Mentorship Program

The National Alliance of Acting Teachers is pleased to continue our successful mentorship program. This program joins members with specific areas of experience and expertise with members seeking guidance and support.

This initiative is a direct response to your feedback about how our Alliance can better address certain membership needs. For potential mentees, this is your chance to connect one-on-one with a mentor who can offer insight and advice, and help you navigate the next stage of your career. And for mentors, this is your opportunity to renew the generosity of spirit that inspired you to teach in the first place, to evolve as a leader, build relationships and refine your own skills.

Here’s one example:

One of the best parts of this community is the support and mentorship.  I was placed with Ray Dooley in 2020 after articulating my goals to NAAT via the mentorship program. At the time, I had been adjunct teaching at various colleges in Illinois and Georgia and stated I wanted to find purchase at an established university in a tenure track position. Through the process of working with Ray, I’ve been able to identify a goal, have a strong framework to complete it, and repeat. And that is how we continue to work today, on my new goal of tenure track at Oklahoma State University. I’m grateful for Ray and the fellowship at the Alliance on a daily basis.

David Weber, Assistant Professor of Performance Oklahoma State University





If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Amy HerzbergCo-Executive Director

Hugh O’GormanCo-Executive Director

Seeking Mentorship

In this application, you’re asked to share some of your core values, your goals, what tools or skills you need, and what an effective mentorship would look like for you. Your answers will help us understand your areas of interest that we can use to help match you with an appropriate mentor.

If you’re seeking the parallel application for becoming a mentor, click here.