Mentorship Program

The National Alliance of Acting Teachers is pleased to continue our successful mentorship program. This program joins members with specific areas of experience and expertise with members seeking guidance and support.

This initiative is a direct response to your feedback about how our Alliance can better address certain membership needs. For potential mentees, this is your chance to connect one-on-one with a mentor who can offer insight and advice, and help you navigate the next stage of your career. And for mentors, this is your opportunity to renew the generosity of spirit that inspired you to teach in the first place, to evolve as a leader, build relationships and refine your own skills.

Here’s one example:

David Weber and I were connected through the Mentorship Program in January of 2020. David brought to the process a fine background in acting (including an MFA from Cal State Long Beach) and was finding his way as a teacher in temporary appointments at several universities. We set the specific goal of a tenure-track position for David and set to work. Since that time, we have spoken every other week by phone or Zoom call. We have covered matters artistic, pedagogical, administrative, and interpersonal. David has worked with passion and purpose throughout the process and this past spring was the successful candidate for a position as Assistant Professor of Performance at Oklahoma State University. We now are addressing the building of a successful tenure dossier. I urge all members of NAAT to acquaint themselves with the Mentorship Program and consider engaging as mentor, mentee, or perhaps both. –

Ray Dooley, Professor Emeritus, UNC Chapel Hill

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Amy HerzbergCo-Executive Director

Hugh O’GormanCo-Executive Director

Become a Mentor

In this application, you’re asked to identify areas of experience, your core values, and your goals in becoming a mentor. We will use this information to help match candidates.

If you’re seeking the parallel application for seeking mentorship, click here.